5 Tips On How You Can Go Green With Your Kitchen

go green with ceiling radio kitchenI spend a lot for hours in the kitchen everyday. I love food preparation and of course I love eating. My family loves having great conversations in the kitchen. As per my wife, she loves those small chit chat inside our kitchen while having an excellent cup of brewed coffee and listening to a soothing music coming out from our in ceiling radio.

Before you react and say, “Is this article connected to what I am looking for?” read on so you would appreciate what I have to say. I am sure that you will learn from this article.

Since we love spending our time inside the kitchen, I might as well turn my kitchen into an eco friendly hub for my family. I researched the Internet and I found out that there are hundreds of ways on how I can turn this kitchen around. Let me share with you how I intent to make it a go green kitchen. Read on, enjoy the food and good music.

  1. Let me start with our lighting. I will replace all my bulbs with LED bulbs. This will definitely save money on electricity. I will also have my architect check on having a skylight roof, which I can use during daytime. Nothing beats natural sunlight as our source of lighting inside the kitchen.
  2. My wife and I were planning to use granite for our counter top. Since I am now planning to going green, I would rather use a recycled stone-chipped composite countertops which resembles a granite and also as durable as the former. Granite is mined and is somehow destroying the beauty of mother earth.
  3. I will not use chemicals for cleaning the counter top and other surfaces inside my kitchen. I intend to use washable microfiber cloths instead. No more paper towels which will also help in saving the trees of our environment. You can also use vinegar for cleaning countertops and removing stains in your kitchen.
  4. I will also replace my old fridge to save on electricity. If your fridge was purchased before 2001, you should definitely replace it with a newer model. I learned that next to AC, fridge consumes $1400 in electricity costs. Older fridges are wildly uneconomical.
  5. Change diet. Instead of buying canned foods, I will buy local produce. Thinking about food miles is also good consideration. Bringing that food on your table requires a huge amount of energy, which has an impact to the environment.

Going green can start at the very heart of my house. I will definitely start this today while enjoying my food and my relaxing music.

Cooking Your Favorite Food With Humor and Laughter

Did you know that laughter can make you look young and can relieve you from any stress? Aside from eating healthy food, humor should also be a part of your kitchen. Some would say that eating healthy food is boring. I would agree to some extent because I myself can’t have a full week without eating pork, eggs, fried food and more. But coupled with a great conversation and laughter plus an excellent music coming out from my in ceiling radio, that will definitely change the mood from boring to exciting.

So how do you combine humor, food and a good music? Well here’s how I do it at the comfort of my own fancy kitchen:

  1. While preparing all the ingredients, I would usually set my mood by deciding what type of music will I listen to and what food will I prepare.
  2. After determining the mood, I’ll turn on the radio and set it to my favorite radio station.
  3. Preparing the food for the family is not too easy. Of course if you want your family to be healthy, you have to research what good and what’s not. While researching, I usually pour out wine and dance around the kitchen. Sometimes I look crazy dancing on my own while singing to my favorite music, but most of the times I dance with my wife inside the kitchen.
  4. While chopping the onions, carrots and my other ingredients, I would start a conversation with my kids. I would tell them jokes that are also connected to what I am doing in the kitchen.
  5. And while we are waiting for the food to get cooked, we sometimes go down the memory lane and try to remember our good times inside the kitchen or outside our house.
  6. I would usually prepare a set of plates and try to add humor to how I plate our food. Sometimes I would cut vegetables that would look like a cartoon character. You can be creative with how you set your table and food.

Get out of the box. Find new ways to make your kitchen experience an extraordinary one. Be humorous and be creative! If I can do it, you can do it also.